Adjuvant, as defined by ASTM, is “a material added to a tank mix to aid or modify the action of an agrichemical or the physical characteristics of the mixture.”  Adjuvants are classified into two different types: Activator Adjuvants and Utility Products. Activator Adjuvants include Spreaders containing surfactants, Stickers, Humectants and Penetrants or oils. Utility Products are products such as water conditioners, defoamers and other miscellaneous products.

Chemurgic's AquaForce - Soil Wetting Agent view view
Chemurgic's Defoamer OR-10 view view view
Chemurgic's Foam Annihilator view view
Chemurgic's MVO Concentrate view view
Chemurgic's Next Gen Spreader view view
Chemurgic's OR-100 SuperSpreader view view view
R–Agent DL view view view